Nanospell Spell Checking Software Components
JavaScript jQuery CKEditor TinyMCE PHP ASP.Net Classic ASP

tinymce spellchecker dictionaries

NanoSpell users have free access to a wide selection of international spellchecking dictionaries. The vocabulary can also be fine tuned and customized by the developer.

Selecting Dictionaries

The dictionary which NanoSpell will use for spellchecking can be set using the nanospell_dictionary setting which is Global English by default.


	external_plugins: {"nanospell": "/path/to/nanospell/plugin.js"},
	nanospell_dictionary: "es" 


To use multiple dictionaries at the same time (useful for multi-lingual documents) use a comma separated list such as:

 nanospell_dictionary: "en,fr" 

Installing Dictionaries

Before a dictionary can be used, it must be installed. NanoSpell ships with only English installed.

  1. Download any dictionaries you would like to use from the list below
  2. Unzip and copy the '.dic' file to nanospell/dictionaries
  3. Ensure that the server (or ‘everyone’) has read permissions to all files in that folder.

Downloading Free Dictionaries

To Recap: download, unzip and copy to nanospell/dictionaries

English Dictionaries

Specialist English Dictionaries

International Dictionaries

Customizing Vocabulary

Adding Words

To add words you do not need to modify the dictionary.

Removing Words

To remove/ban words you do not need to modify the dictionary.


“Spellcheck as you type” in tinmce with zero learning curve.

Cross Platform

Easily set-up on modern web hosting by uploading 1 folder.

Developer Friendly

Well documented and kept clean, simple & stable.


Never sends spellchecking data across the internet to remote spellchecking servers.


Free tinymce spellcheck dictionaries from across the world.


Actively maintained and supported by the original developers who love TinyMCE